Dr. Christopher J. Ryan


Dr. Christopher J. Ryan, Ph.D., AICP  Ph.D. Environmental Studies (Antioch), M.C.P. City Planning (Georgia Institute of Technology), B.A. Geography (Miami University). Director of Community and Economic Development, Town of Harvard, MA. Urban and Regional Planner, Educator, Researcher, Writer, Blogger, Naturalist, Community Volunteer, and Sustainability Professional. Dr. Ryan has been a professional urban and regional planner for nearly 30 years in both the public and private sectors working at the town, city, county, regional, and state levels in the public sector in communities.

Course: Building Bridges (Cathryn Cushner Edelstein and Dr. Christopher Ryan)

Time: Sunday 10AM EST

This course offering will focus on strategies and activities that can be utilized to bring diverse groups together to dialogue and foster an atmosphere of better understanding. To achieve change, it is necessary to understand the values and beliefs of people that hold different ideologies so that the messages created are received and understood with the intention desired.